Cospuri Foto #459


look at that skinny little 5 inch dick, that is a well hung porn star for Asians, the John Holmes of the Chinese and Koreans, see some of you guys don't have it so bad after all, if you are feeling a bit small in the pants just move to an Asian country instead of getting titty implants and becoming somone's bitch and a worthless, mentally ill, delusional waste of oxygen

Think you need therapy for how insecure you are

Guessing your Asian, it is okay, we ALL understand that,we would be salty af, as well

If you say so closet boy

wow, what a zinger, you must the king of zingers in your class, you sticking with this one must mean you are extra salty, let me guess, you are in a class with other races than fellow Asians and every time you go to the locker room, you feel really "small" and insecure, you weep every time you unzip to piss, look dude, I know many in your culture are poor, but I am sure if you work hard and save up, you can order a penis pump to please your girl, maybe buy one second or third hand, then who knows, one of these days see some 3rd world plastic surgeon to stuff some implants in it, but stick with that, you are still a man, not matter your shortcomings, don't give up, get titties, and live as a bitch, well, bigger bitch than you are now

Man has so much time to type vile shit like this but doesn't realise this mindset is exactly why he can't get laid, it's because of your inferiority complex and need to belittle others you think are beneath you.

I have time, because my girl likes her job, and I have the money I need from past experiences and investments, you believe what you want about my physical attributes, psychology, and inability to get women, because the truth would have you weeping in the corner wanking it to your sister more than ever

Asians have small cocks, fact! Every reply and feeble attempt to go at me because I mention the fact, just outs yourself, and why you are salty about it, I gave you some tips on what to do with that little prick, son, take it or leave it, I don't believe others are believe me, but I know facts and that many are smaller than me, HUGE difference, and being salty about it is a common trait, but it is okay, I still got your back, homey, you can overcome it, some chics, even like small dick dudes, some can't handle bigger ones, trust me, lost my first love because of it, didn't think that was possible, don't believe the porn, bro, there is a girl or dude out there for you somewhere, that wiener isnt holding you back, but your personality might be

That's a lot of yapping and shouting at the wind to say that you're an ego-hungry incel, but ok :)